Church of the Holy Sepulchre Restoration Trust
The Restoration Trust
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Northampton) Restoration Trust was established in 1982 as a non-denominational Registered Charity
(Nº 284282) to relieve the local Parochial Church Council of the responsibility of raising funds to restore this Grade I Listed  National
Heritage building.

Subsequently the trust became registered as a limited company no. 06861687  and was incorporated on the 27th of March 2009.

Having raised and spent  approaching £1.3 million, the building is now in excellent condition and ready to move forward towards its 1000th anniversary, with all of the challenges and excitement of regeneration and growth.

Whilst the church exists as a focus for worship in the local community and to support those with various needs, this magnificent medieval building and particularly 'the Round', offers a spectacular setting for the production of musical events and theatre, attracting artistes and patrons from all over the United Kingdom and tourists from all over the world.

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